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jueves, 15 de abril de 2010

Timerosal y autismo, estrecha relación.

Estudios que  confirman relación entre Timerosal y Autismo.

Riesgo de autismo se incrementa hasta en 6 veces.

Estados Unidos ocultaba datos. Journal of the Neurological Sciences publica resultados.

Cuando la Asociación Médica Peruana (AMP), denunció la relación existente entre las vacunas con thimerosal (mercurio) y los casos de autismo y otros males neurológicos, el ministro de Salud, Hernán Garrido Lecca, los tildó de terroristas. Ahora el último número de la revista oficial de la Federación Mundial de Neurología, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, confirma esos efectos del thimerosal en la salud.

Ocultaban los datos.

El estudio relaciona el mercurio del thimerosal de las vacunas con el autismo y otros trastornos del neurodesarrollo y representa seis valiosos años de esfuerzo de investigadores independientes para tener acceso a los datos ocultos del Centro para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades de EE. UU. (CCD) en los Archivos sobre Seguridad de las Vacunas.

Este nuevo análisis de algunos de los datos en la cuidadosamente guardada base de datos sobre la seguridad de las vacunas, que documenta el envenenamiento con mercurio de una generación de niños en América, nunca hubiera sido posible sin la intervención de líderes del Congreso, padres de grupos de defensa de afectados con autismo y expertos jurídicos.

El nuevo estudio, dirigido por el Ph.D. Heather Young, profesor de epidemiología de la escuela de Salud Pública y servicios de Salud de la Universidad George Washington, examinó los registros médicos de vacunación de la base de datos sobre seguridad de las vacunas proporcionada por el CDC, de 278,624 niños, nacidos entre 1990 y 1996.

El trabajo calculó la exposición promedio de mercurio en los niños que en forma rutinaria recibieron vacunas que contenían thimerosal, por año de nacimiento, durante su primer año de vida. Después de calcular la exposición promedio de mercurio por año de nacimiento, el estudio estimó las tasas de prevalencia de diferentes diagnósticos médicos para niños nacidos en cada uno de los años examinados.

Dependiendo de los trastornos específicos del neurodesarrollo examinados (autismo, trastornos del espectro autista, tics, trastornos emocionales, trastorno de déficit de atención e hiperactividad, y trastornos del desarrollo/aprendiz aje), el riesgo global observado de autismo y otros trastornos del neurodesarrollo fue significativamente más alto (alrededor de 2 a 6 veces) después de una exposición adicional de 100 microgramos de mercurio. Para el autismo solo, el riesgo global fue alrededor de 2.5 veces más alto después de una exposición adicional al mercurio de 100 microgramos.

Desde hace varios años existen estudios en Europa, donde se ha retirado el timerosal del mercado, como en EEUU. Incluso, en Alemania, un estudio demuestra no sólo los citados daños neurológicos, sino daño al ADN (Ver: Thimerosal induces micronuclei in the cytochalasin B block micronucleus test with human lymphocytes, Westphal et al. Göttingen).

¿Por qué ese empeño en aplicar la vacuna con thimerosal a los niños Chilenos? Esperemos que después de este estudio se retire de Chile CON URGENCIA las vacunas con timerosal y se investiguen responsabilidades.

(Artículo original: http://www.connuest roperu.com/ index.php? option=com_content&task=view&id=2253&Itemid=32)
El artículo del Journal of the Neurological Sciences puede ser descargado ACÁ: http://detenganlava cuna.files. wordpress. com/2010/ 04/thimerosal- vaccine-study. pdf

Exigimos que las autoridades de Salud y los “expertos” defensores de las vacunas nos digan la verdad.

¿Hasta cuándo nos tratan como tarados?

Sr. Ministro de Salud y señores “expertos” propagandistas de vacunas que faltan a la verdad, acá les dejamos material para que lean y se informen.

Ya que por lo visto no están cumpliendo con la labor que les encomienda el pueblo de Chile, de velar y cuidar de la SALUD de la gente para quienes se supone están trabajando, les ayudamos a hacer el trabajo con sólo algo del material con que contamos por haber sido aplicados y haber investigado y recopilado información que ustedes o no tienen o nos ocultan. En cualquiera de ambos casos, algo vergonzoso e impresentable. Disculpen que no se los hayamos traducido también:

“A comprehensive review of mercury provoked autism”

“Autism spectrum disorder-associated biomarkers for case evaluation and management by clinical geneticists”

“Biomarkers of environmental toxicity and susceptibility in autism”

“A Prospective Study of Trans-sulfuration Biomarkers in Autistic Disorders”

“Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Maternal Rh-negativity, and Rho(D) Imune Globulins: A Multi-center Assessment”

“A Review of Thimerosal (Merthiolate) and Its Ethylmercury Breakdown Product: Specific Historical Considerations Regarding Safety and Effectiveness”

“A prospective assessment of androgen levels in patients with autistic spectrum disorders: biochemical underpinnings and suggested therapies”

“Neurodevelopmental Disorders After Thimerosal-Containi ng Vaccines -A Brief Communication (VAERS Database)”

“A Comparative Evaluation of the Effects of MMR Immunization and Thimerosal on the Population Prevalence of Autism (US Dept. of Education – Ecological Study)”

“A Meta-Analysis Study (VAERS Database)”

“A Prospective Study of Rho Immune Globulin as a Risk Factor for Autism (Assessment of Autism Clinic Database – Case-Control Study)”

“A Two-Phased Population Epidemiological Study of the Safety of Thimerosal-Containi ng Vaccines (VAERS & VSD Databases)”

“An Assessment of Downward Trends Following Thimerosal Removal (VAERS Database – Ecological Study”

“An Assessment of the Impact of Thimerosal on Childhood Neurodevelopmental Disorders (VAERS Database & US Dept. of Education data – Ecological Study)”

“An Evaluation of the Effects of Thimerosal on Neurodevelopmental Disorders (VAERS Database)”

“Early Downward Trends in Neurodevelopmental Disorders Following Removal of Thimerosal1 (VAERS Database, and data from California Dept. of Developmental Services & US Dept. of Education – Ecological Study)”

“Neurodevelopmental Disorders Following TCVs – A Follow-up Analysis (VAERS Database)
Thimerosal in Childhood Vaccines – Neurodevelopmental Disorders – Heart Disease in the United States (VAERS Database, and US Dept. of Education – Ecological Study with a review of early Verstraten documents from his study of the VSD Database)”

“A Case-Control Study of Mercury Burden in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders”

“A Case-Series of Children with Mercury Toxic Encephalopathies”

“Published Hormone Research Article 2006″

“Published Mercury and Testosterone Medical Hypothesis”

“Evolving views on the causes of autistic spectrum disorders”

“Response to Critics”
“Thimerosal Does Not Belong in Vaccines”

“Study Misses Link Between Thimerosal and Neurodevelopmental Disorders”

“Geier and Geier Lancet Published Letter”
“Parents Fears About Thimerosal”
“Response to Comments by JR Mann


“Bruesewitz v. Wyeth: A layperson’s abbreviated views: The 7th Amendment to the Constitution of the USA, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) [42 U.S.C. § 300aa-10 et seq.], and Wyeth’s absolute, nondischargeable duty to prove that its DTP vaccine was safe (2 April 2010; 10 pages)”

“Ban the Use of Mercury In Medicine- Membership Drive (19 February 2010; 2 pages)”

“NOTE: CDC’s reporting of historical ‘autism’ incidence and maximum mercury exposure from CDC-recommended vaccination programs” (30 December 2009; 6 pages)”

“Draft: Why do media report ‘the other side’ of scientific fact? One Scientist’s Response!” (25 December 2009; 21 pages)”

“Updated Editorial on Sub-Acute Mercury (Hg) Poisoning By Medicine: The Rise of Diseases ‘Caused’ by Sub-acute Hg Poisoning via Medicine” (29 November 2009, 12 pages)

“Misleading Mercury-exposure Comparisons: Thimerosal-preserve d Flu Shot Versus the Eating of Tuna Fish (29 November 2009, 5 pages)”

“Draft Review of the CDC’s ‘General Questions and Answers on Thimerosal’ (25 October 2009, 22 pages)”

“The Rise of Diseases ‘Caused’ by Sub-acute Hg Poisoning (12 August 2009; 9 pages)”

“The ‘Truth’ About The Toxicity Of Thimerosal (12 August 2009; 6 pages)”

“The ‘No Thimerosal-Preserve d Vaccines’ Lie (12 August 2009; 9 pages)”

“E-mail: Information quality request seeking corrections (24 July 2009; 3 pages)”

“Formal Review of the FDA’s: ‘Thimerosal in Vaccines Questions and Answers (18 July 2009; 76 pages)”

“Draft: Review of the FDA’s ‘Thimerosal in Vaccines Questions and Answers’” (9 July 2009; 75 pages)”

“Draft: Proposed Safety Limits For Organic Mercury Exposure And Thoughts On The Mercury Poisoning Of Developing Children (15 March 2009; 5 pages)”

“A Draft Response To: ‘Some parents oppose New Jersey’s new flu vaccination law’ (28 Jan. 2009; 12 pages)”

“Transcription of the FDA Letter Date-stamped ‘Nov 21 2008′ Denying CoMeD Citizen Petition Assigned FDA Docket: 2007P-0331 with minor corrections and annotations (18 Dec. 2008; 38 pages)”

“FDA 180-day Letter, Date-Stamped ‘FEB 8 2008, to the CoMeD Citizen Petition Assigned to FDA Docket 2007P-0331 and, in 2008, Reassigned as FDA-2007-P-0232, Accessible Through the Advanced Search Capabilities on: http://www.regulati ons.gov (28 Nov. 2008; 2 pages)”

“A Draft Response To: ‘Vaccines:Separating fact from fiction (28 Nov. 2008; 37 pages)”

“A Draft Response To: ‘The Position of the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services (NJ DHHS) on: The Pending New Jersey Conscientious Exemption Legislation’, (5 November 2008; 18 pages)”

“A Draft Review of: ‘Florida Governor’ Task Force on Autism Spectrum Disorders- Task Force Requests to the Florida DoH’, Part 1 (17 October 2008; 68 pages)”

“A Draft Review of: ‘Florida Governor’ Task Force on Autism Spectrum Disorders- Task Force Requests to the Florida DoH’, Part 2 (17 October 2008; 77 pages)”

“Florida’s Governor’s Task Force on Autism Spectrum Disorders – Task Force Requests to the Florida DoH (16 Sept. 2008; 49 pages)”

“Thimerosal in Vaccines: Inconvenient Reality (29 August 2008; 6 pages)”
“A Review of: ‘As Diseases Make Comeback, Why Aren’t All Kids Vaccinated?’ Popular Mechanics Magazine on-line. Reynolds GH. (30 July 2008; 30 pages)”

“A Review of: ‘Vaccine safety: genuine concern or a legacy of unfounded skepticism.’ Expert Reviews of Vaccines 2008; 7(3): 275-277. Chatterjee A. (27 July 2008; 40 pages)”

“A Review of: ‘Experts to Discuss One Puzzling Case, as a Second Case Has Arisen’ [An article by Gardiner Harris, Reporter, NY Times on-line June 27, 2008] (11 July 2008; 27 pages)”

“A Review of: ‘Autism Myth Lives On’ [An article by Assoc. Prof. Sam Wang, USA Today on-line April 16, 2008] (30 June 2008; 15 pages)”

“A Review of: ‘VACCINATIONS Faith Lets Some Kids Skip Shots’ [An article by Sandra G. Boodman, Staff Writer, Washington Post, June 10, 2008] (27 June 2008; 15 pages)”

“A Review of: ‘Vaccines and Autism Revisited – The Hannah Poling Case’ [An article by Paul A. Offit, M.D.NEJM 2008 May 15; 358: 20] (30 May 2008; 13 pages)”

“An UPDATED Review of the Doublespeak in: ‘Vaccines and Autism: Myths and Misconceptions’ By Steven Novella (31 March 2008; 75 pages)”

“A Review of: “Vaccinations are still needed for kids By Meg Fisher, MD” (27 January 2008; 27 pages)”

“A Review of the Doublespeak in: ‘Vaccines and Autism: Myths and Misconceptions’ By Steven Novella (18 December 2007; 63 pages)”

“A Review of ‘Parental Dilemma: To Get Kids Immunized or Not”‘ By Allen Mask, M.D. (28 November 2007; 15 pages)”

“A Rebuttal to the Doublespeak in: ‘Parents, officials struggle over right to refuse vaccines’ By Logan Molyneux (25 November 2007; 39 pages)”

“Thimerosal Causes Mercury Poisoning XVI – No Proof Of Safety for Thimerosal in Vaccines – A Rebuttal to the Doublespeak in: ‘Suffer the Little Children’ No More By Michael Fumento (29 October 2007; 20 pages)”

“Thimerosal Causes Mercury Poisoning XV – Mercury Poisoning by Thimerosal in Vaccines – A Rebuttal to the Doublespeak in: ‘On Vaccines, Immune to Reason’ By Paul Howard (18 October 2007; 19 pages)”

“CoMeD Press Release for 24 August 2007 Citizen Petition (2007P-0331) (29 August 2007; 1 page)”

“Instructions for Submitting Comments to FDA Docket # 2007P-0331 (30 August 2007; 2 pages)”

“2007P-0331 Ban Use of Mercury In Medicine, UNLESS Proven Toxicologically Safe to the CGMP Standard Sufficiently Nontoxic(24 August 2007; 447 pages)”

“Note regarding filing of 2007P-0331 — submitted for publication (24 August 2007; 1 page)”

“Thimerosal Causes Mercury Poisoning XIV – Updated Review of ‘Another Salvo in the Mercury/Autism Controversy’ By Stephan Novella (18 May 2007; 16 pages)”

“Thimerosal Causes Mercury Poisoning XIII – Rebuttal to an editorial in Nature Neuroscience 2007; 10: 531, ‘Silencing debate over autism’ (6 May 2007; 18 pages)”

“CoMeD Rebuttal to ‘For the Good of the Herd,’ an op-ed piece by Arthur Allen published online on January 25, 2007 by the New York Times (25 January 2007; 12 pages)”

“CoMeD’s Recommendations for Changes to Revisions Proposed by the NJ Dept Health and Senior Services to N.J.A.C. 8:57-4, Immunization of Pupils in School, (24 January 2007; 14 pages)”

“CoMeD Review of NJ Dept Health & Senior Services Letter About Influenza Vaccines: Ineffective & A Mercury-poisoning Vector (27 December 2006, 12 pages)”

“CoMeD Response to FDA Letter Date-Stamped ‘DEC 21 2006′ (December 24, 2006, 5 pages)”

“WASHINGTON – Press Release: CoMeD’s federal lawsuit and petition to get mercury out of medicine (2006-11-01)”

“CoMeD’s Petition to FDA for a STAY under 21 CFR Sec 10.35″
“Documents’ List for CoMeD’s Petition for a STAY”

“Appendix ‘A’ “

“Appendix ‘B’ “

“Appendix ‘C’ Lilly’s and Sigma’s Thimerosal Material Safety Data Sheets”

“Thimerosal Causes Mercury Poisoning XII – Draft Response to the DHHS Letter Date-stamped ‘AUG 25 2006′ – The DHHS’s Response to ‘An Open Letter to the American Public’ posted on the Internet on 9 April 2006 (9 September 2006; 60 pages).”

“APPENDIX B – VAERS reports showing severe immediate adverse reactions to Thimerosal in Thimerosal-containi ng vaccines and other drug products (9 September 2006; 55 pages).”

“Thimerosal Causes Mercury Poisoning XI – Draft Rebuttal to the Opinions of Peter Hotez and Rosalynn Carter in their article, ‘Act could turn the tide on common birth defect’” (23 August 2006; 81 pages).”

“Thimerosal Causes Mercury Poisoning X – Link Between Thimerosal and Pervasive Developmental Disorders [Draft Rebuttal to Fombonne et al.'s 'Pervasive Developmental Disorders in Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Prevalence and Links With Immunizations' ] (23 August 2006; 102 pages).”

“CoMeD Suit to Compel DHHS/FDA Response to CoMed Citizen Petition 2004P-0349 (1 August 2006, 17 pages).”

“Thimerosal Causes Mercury Poisoning IX – Immunization Issues [a rebuttal to Arsenel of immunizations ---'] (30 July 2006; 21 pages)”

Thimerosal Causes Mercury Poisoning VIII – Mercury-poisoning the Public: The case against the Thimerosal-preserve d vaccines [a rebuttal to 'Don't ban thimerosal'] (30 June 2006; 8 pages)

Thimerosal Causes Mercury Poisoning VII – Rebuttal to ‘Beyond the Headlines: Link still claimed between thimerosal and autism’ Rev. 3 (3 July 2006; 28 pages)

Thimerosal Causes Mercury Poisoning VI – Review Of Pro-Thimerosal Groups’ Letter To Congress (April 2006; 15 pages)
Review Of HR 2863’s Pandemic Flu Provisions and Preparations Act 060103 (March 2006; 33 pages)

Thimerosal Causes Mercury Poisoning V – Review Chambers & McIntyre’s ‘When Science Is Not Enough–’ Article (15 February 2006; 82 pages)

Miller-CDC&GSK Email Documents Re: Andrews etal
Madsen FOIA Email Document

Autism Speaks’ Policy Statement On Mercury and Vaccines 051222 Draft Review

Dr. King’s Review 051221 of Vaccine Liability- Congress Should Give Vaccines Shot in the Arm

Thimerosal Causes Mercury Poisoning IV – Review Of Dr Darshak Sanghavi’s 051204 ‘The Secret Truth’ Article (6 December 2005; 34 pages)”

Dr. King’s Response To Dr Mike Fitzgerald’s 051109 ‘WhenQuackeryKills’

Dr. King’s Rebuttal to WSJ 051022 Pro Pharma Editorial for S_1873, ‘Bioshield II’

Thimerosal Causes Mercury Poisoning III – Rebuttal To Dr. Orenstein’s Views (21 October 2005; 38 pages)

Fearmongering – Flu Vaccines & Pandemic Scares – Marketing Mercury Poisoning?

Thimerosal & Mercury Poisoning – Draft Review of CDC’s 050922 Q&A on the Flu Vaccines

Thimerosal Causes Mercury Poisoning II – Rebuttal To Dr. Offit’s Views (21 September 2005; 30 pages)

Thimerosal Causes Mercury Poisoning I – A Rebuttal to Dr. Novella’s Views (30 August 2005; 99 pages)

Dr. Haley’s Supporting Slides for Mercury Causes Mercury Poisoning


News Release – Scientific & Federal Inquires Into Links Between Thimerosal (Mercury) & Neurodevelopmental Disorders.pdf

CoMeD Letter, Posted To Docket 2004P-0349, Updating The Body of Evidence That Proves Thimerosal (Organic Mercury) Is Linked To Neurodevelopmental Disorders In Humans.pdf

CoMeD’s Response to FDA’s 180-day Interim Response Letter.pdf

FDA’s 180-day Interim Response to CoMeD’s Petition.pdf

Citizen Petition Action Alert.pdf

Press Release for Physcians, Scientists & Legal Scholars.pdf

FDA Petition Press Release.pdf

CoMeD’s Petition to FDA.pdf

HHS Letter Regarding Allegations Presented to PCIE

OSC’s Press Release and OSC’s letter to Congress.pdf

Letter to Office of Special Counsel(OSC) .pdf
Fuente www.detenganlavacun a.wordpress. com

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